Intervention Tool Chart :: Reading

Looking for an intervention for your students?  The Intervention Tools Chart is designed to be used by educators as a resource to locate interventions, instructional practices, and learning strategies that can be used within an RtI process.  Please note:  the listing of specific tools is not meant as an endorsement by the NYS RtI MS DP or the NYSED.  Rather, it is up to the consumer to research selected tools for evidence of effectiveness.  The chart contains three types of tools that are either free or available for purchase:  commercial programs, instructional practices, and learning strategies.


ClassWide Peer Tutoring

Instructional Practice
Comprehension, Oral Reading Fluency, Vocabulary
Tier I,II

According to What Works Clearinghouse, ClassWide Peer Tutoring (CWPT) is a peer-assisted instructional strategy designed to be integrated into any existing reading curriculum. CWPT provides students with increased opportunities to practice reading skills by asking questions and receiving immediate feedback from a peer tutor. Pairs of students take turns tutoring each other to reinforce concepts and skills initially taught by the teacher. Thus, students will fulfill both the role of the tutor and tutee. The teacher creates age-appropriate materials, taking into account the students’ language skills and disabilities.


This is an instructional practice. An instruction practice is a teaching method that guides interactions in the classroom and supports student learning. Instructional practices involve an educator using particular method, practice, or protocol during instruction.

Tier I

Cover, Copy, and Compare (CCC) is a self-managed intervention that can be used to enhance accuracy in spelling, vocabulary, word identification, or other academic subject areas. In CCC, students look at an academic stimulus (e.g., spelling word). They then cover it, copy it, and evaluate their response by comparing it to the original word. If there is an error, the students engage in error correction procedures before moving onto the next item.

CSR (03) - Click or Clunk?

Learning Strategy
Comprehension, Vocabulary
Tier I,II

This strategy can be used as part of the Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) reading strategy.


Click or Clunk? is a self-checking learning strategy comprehension. Clicks are sections of the text that make sense to the reader; comprehension “clicks.” Clunks can be word(s), idea(s), or concept(s) that do not make sense to the reader; comprehension “breaks down.” Using this strategy, students periodically check their understanding of sentences, paragraphs, and pages of text for “clicks” and “clunks” as they read. If they encounter problems with vocabulary or comprehension, they use a checklist to apply simple strategies to solve those reading difficulties.

Frayer Model

Learning Strategy

The Frayer Model is a type of word map. It can be used to help students understand the connotation or function of words. Like most word maps, the Frayer Model includes a student friendly simple definition, characteristics, examples, and non-examples of a word.


Commercial Program
Comprehension, Oral Reading Fluency, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics & Decoding, Vocabulary

iSPIRE is an intensive reading program for non-readers and struggling readers. The program uses new technology to blend digital and teacher led instruction. The program uses continual practice and review to aid students in mastering concepts.

Kaplan SpellRead™

Commercial Program
Comprehension, Oral Reading Fluency, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics & Decoding, Vocabulary

Kaplan SpellRead™ is a phonological auditory training program. It focuses on phonological automaticity and reading fluency while providing explicit comprehension and vocabulary instruction and opportunities for writing.

Tier I,II

Keys to Literacy is a professional development program designed to train teachers to provide content literacy instruction embedded in classroom instruction using existing reading and curriculum materials.  This professional development program is designed for grades 3-6 elementary teachers, 7-12 content classroom teachers, and educators who provide support to struggling readers.


Commercial Program
Oral Reading Fluency, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics & Decoding, Vocabulary

LANGUAGE! Live is a comprehensive literacy program that combines teacher-directed learning with personalized, adaptive online instruction. The program has age-appropriate learning tools and a content focus on foundational skills - phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, spelling, word use, and sentence structure. The program has strategic entry and exit points to aid students in beginning the program at a place that best suits their needs. Instructional modifications and tools for English language learners are provided.

Comprehension, Oral Reading Fluency, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics & Decoding, Vocabulary

LANGUAGE! The Comprehensive Literacy Curriculum® is a multisensory, targeted intervention with an intensive literacy curriculum. It integrates reading, writing, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, foundational skills, and spoken English. Its parallel curriculum, LANGUAGE! Focus on English Learning® is specifically designed for English learners. The program is available in both a traditional and eBook version.


Learning Strategy
Tier I,II

List-Group-Label deepens students’ understanding of content specific words by providing an opportunity to brainstorm vocabulary before a reading, categorize those words using labels, and add newly learned vocabulary after the reading is complete. This strategy promotes vocabulary and content connections that are deeper than rote memorization.  

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