Frayer Model

Learning Strategy

Blank Frayer Model graphic organizer (optional)

Target Student

All students can benefit from this learning strategy


The Frayer Model is a type of word map. It can be used to help students understand the connotation or function of words. Like most word maps, the Frayer Model includes a student friendly simple definition, characteristics, examples, and non-examples of a word.


The Frayer Model is a learning strategy. After students have been taught how to use the Frayer Model, this learning strategy should be used independently by students.

1. When teaching students to use this model, use explicit instruction (explanation, modeling or “I do,” guided practice or “we do,” independent practice or “you do ). Teachers should complete several Frayer Models for the class over the course of several days.
2. Students should then be given the opportunity to complete Frayer Models in pairs or small groups with support from the teacher over the course of several days.
3. Finally, after sufficient practice, students can complete the Frayer Model independently.

How To

When teaching students to use this model, use explicit instruction (explanation, modeling or “I do,” guided practice or “we do,” independent practice or “you do ). Teachers should complete several Frayer Models for the class over the course of several days.

When creating a Frayer Model, use either a Frayer Model graphic organizer, or draw one by following the steps below: 

• First draw a large square.
• Next, draw a circle in the middle of the large square.
• The large square should then be divided into four equal parts. These lines will intersect at the circle drawn in step two.

Write the target word in the circle.  A student friendly definition should be written in the top left square.  Characteristics of the word should be written in the top right square.  Examples should be written in the bottom left square.  Non-examples should be written in the bottom right square.

Students should then be given the opportunity to complete Frayer Models in pairs or small groups with support from the teacher over the course of several days.

Finally, after sufficient practice, students can complete the Frayer Model independently.


Adapted from Haager, D., Dimino, J. A., & Windmueller, M. P. (2007). Interventions for reading success. London: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company.


Frayer, D., Frederick, W. C., & Klausmeier, H. J. (1969). A Schema for testing the level of cognitive mastery. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Center for Education Research.

Peters, C. W. (1974). A comparison between the Frayer model of concept attainment and the textbook approach to concept attainment. Reading Research Quarterly, 10(2), 252-254.

Related Resources

Frayer Model Graphic Organizer

Frayer Model Example Video

Completed Frayer Models

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