Kaplan SpellRead™

Commercial Program
Comprehension, Oral Reading Fluency, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics & Decoding, Vocabulary

60-90 mins (daily)

Target Student

This program is designed for struggling readers.


Kaplan SpellRead™ is a phonological auditory training program. It focuses on phonological automaticity and reading fluency while providing explicit comprehension and vocabulary instruction and opportunities for writing.


SpellRead intensive intervention model is designed for groups of five students with one certified teacher or paraprofessional. It combines intensive phonemic and phonetic instruction activities with leveled readers and trade books to build students’ reading comprehension. Within each lesson, SpellRead progresses sequentially through three phases of instruction, A, B, and C with comprehension and clear, step-by-step instruction.

The SpellRead instructional cycle includes linguistic foundations, active reading, and writing.  Instruction begins with 35 minutes of Linguistic Foundations, a set of 4 phonics and phonemic awareness activities that are fast paced and kinesthetic. This is followed by active reading, which includes 19 minutes of instruction where students apply the skills they are learning in Linguistic Foundations and become engaged in a level trade book. Next, the writing component completes each class by providing students with 6 minutes to write about what they have read.


Rashotte, C. A., MacPhee, K., & Torgesen, J. K. (2001). The effectiveness of a group reading instruction program with poor readers in multiple grades. Learning Disability Quarterly, 24(2), 119–134.

Torgesen, J., Myers, D., Schirm, A., Stuart, E., Vartivarian, S., Mansfield, W., et al. (2006). National assessment of Title I Interim report—Volume II: Closing the reading gap: First year findings from a randomized trial of four reading interventions for striving readers. Retrieved from Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education Web site: http://www.ed.gov/rschstat/ eval/disadv/title1interimreport/index.html

Research Summary

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