Intervention Tool Chart :: Reading

Looking for an intervention for your students?  The Intervention Tools Chart is designed to be used by educators as a resource to locate interventions, instructional practices, and learning strategies that can be used within an RtI process.  Please note:  the listing of specific tools is not meant as an endorsement by the NYS RtI MS DP or the NYSED.  Rather, it is up to the consumer to research selected tools for evidence of effectiveness.  The chart contains three types of tools that are either free or available for purchase:  commercial programs, instructional practices, and learning strategies.



Learning Strategy
Phonics & Decoding
Tier I,II

DISSECT is an acronym for a mnemonic word identification strategy that can be used to help students to decode unfamiliar multisyllabic words using a combination of context clues and word analysis strategies. This strategy aids students in identifying difficult words in context, , building vocabulary, and reducing errors during reading.

Four-Box Comment Card

Learning Strategy

The Four-Box Comment Card strategy focuses on deeper comprehension of a text by providing four prompts for the students to answer as they read through a text with discussion time to allow deeper understanding. The most common prompts include one comment, one surprise, on question, or one observation. This strategy can be used in small groups or whole group instruction, and it encourages students to critically think and take a position on an informational text.

Frayer Model

Learning Strategy

The Frayer Model is a type of word map. It can be used to help students understand the connotation or function of words. Like most word maps, the Frayer Model includes a student friendly simple definition, characteristics, examples, and non-examples of a word.

I-Chart or Inquiry Chart

Learning Strategy

An I-Chart assists students in collecting information about a given topic from multiple resources while organizing and analyzing the information. It provides students the opportunity to research and reason based on inquiry. The chart also facilitates small group or whole group discussion that deepens students’ understanding of a topic.

Interactive Notebooks

Learning Strategy

The Interactive Notebook strategy provides a platform for students to document their own learning and reading experiences in a notebook. They can document information about content-specific material, include drawings and charts, and organize previously completed graphic organizers. The Interactive Notebook allows students to watch his/her learning progress overtime while practicing organization and notetaking skills.


Learning Strategy
Tier I,II

List-Group-Label deepens students’ understanding of content specific words by providing an opportunity to brainstorm vocabulary before a reading, categorize those words using labels, and add newly learned vocabulary after the reading is complete. This strategy promotes vocabulary and content connections that are deeper than rote memorization.  


Learning Strategy
Tier I

In predicting, readers make thoughtful guesses, based on experience and available information. These guesses are either confirmed or revised on the basis of what is read. Students bring their personal experiences, prior knowledge, and world view to the text as they make and revise predictions that will enrich their comprehension.

Root Wheels

Learning Strategy
Tier I,II

Root wheels are a visual representation that increases students understanding and knowledge of roots, prefixes, and suffixes. While 90% of the words that students encounter across various content areas are based on Greek and Latin prefixes, roots and suffixes, root wheels provide students a visual to enhance their understandings of vocabulary through deeper exploration. This strategy can also facilitate drawing and second language exploration.

Semantic Mapping

Learning Strategy
Tier I,III

In semantic mapping, students generate words related to a concept (or key word) that has been introduced in a lesson. Semantic maps provide a visual depiction of the relationships among key words.


Learning Strategy
Tier I,II

The SLAP strategy is designed to assist students with deciphering the meanings of words found throughout informational texts by utilizing context clues. SLAP is an acronym for steps of the strategy which equips the students to determine a word’s meaning by looking at the clues within the text itself. After being taught each step explicitly, it is the goal for each student to independently use SLAP while reading to increase understanding of both the text and individual vocabulary words.

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