Intervention Tool Chart :: Reading

Looking for an intervention for your students?  The Intervention Tools Chart is designed to be used by educators as a resource to locate interventions, instructional practices, and learning strategies that can be used within an RtI process.  Please note:  the listing of specific tools is not meant as an endorsement by the NYS RtI MS DP or the NYSED.  Rather, it is up to the consumer to research selected tools for evidence of effectiveness.  The chart contains three types of tools that are either free or available for purchase:  commercial programs, instructional practices, and learning strategies.


I-Chart or Inquiry Chart

Learning Strategy

An I-Chart assists students in collecting information about a given topic from multiple resources while organizing and analyzing the information. It provides students the opportunity to research and reason based on inquiry. The chart also facilitates small group or whole group discussion that deepens students’ understanding of a topic.

Interactive Notebooks

Learning Strategy

The Interactive Notebook strategy provides a platform for students to document their own learning and reading experiences in a notebook. They can document information about content-specific material, include drawings and charts, and organize previously completed graphic organizers. The Interactive Notebook allows students to watch his/her learning progress overtime while practicing organization and notetaking skills.


Learning Strategy
Tier I

In predicting, readers make thoughtful guesses, based on experience and available information. These guesses are either confirmed or revised on the basis of what is read. Students bring their personal experiences, prior knowledge, and world view to the text as they make and revise predictions that will enrich their comprehension.

Sticky Notes Bookmark

Learning Strategy

The Sticky Notes Bookmark strategy engages student in the reading actively as they must identify four different aspects of the text being read. They must identify an interesting part of the book (!), a part of the book that has a vocabulary word that they would like to discuss deeper (V), a part that is confusing (?), and lastly a part that identifies an illustration, map or graph to help the reader understand the text (graph). Students using this strategy read with preconceived questions and markers to identify.

Study Guide

Learning Strategy

Study Guides are a useful strategy as the teacher is able to support student learning by pointing students in the correct direction to identify important content specific information rather than unimportant content specific information. Study Guides allow the teacher to hone in on essential pieces of content-related information to set their students up for success.

Text Annotation

Learning Strategy

Text Annotation is a strategy that allows students to take ownership of what they are reading by writing notes, symbols, bullet points, circles, underlining, and any other written feature that helps them comprehend the text. It can be used across content areas and couple with other strategies. Text Annotation allows students to create a record of their thoughts throughout a reading.

Text Structures

Learning Strategy

Text Structures such as sequence/order, compare-contrast, and cause-effect can be crucial to comprehending a passage, and graphic organizers help students to identify these text structures visually and structurally. This allows the student to understand what the author is saying by identifying how the author is saying it.

Text-Dependent Questions

Learning Strategy

Text-Based Questions are questions that must be answered only by reading through a text. They are designed to engage the students after a reading and encourages higher level thinking from literal comprehension to critical thinking or inferential comprehension.

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