Data-based decision making (DBM) is a central tenet of an RtI framework. DBM occurs at each level of implementation (individual student, classroom, grade, building, and district) and at all levels of instruction (Tier 1, 2, and 3). Scroll down to access resources specific to DBM.
Curriculum–Based Measurement (CBM) is an assessment approach designed to measure the growth of student proficiency in core educational skills that are predictive of positive school success. This all-day workshop will provide an overview of CBM and discuss how to use CBM screening and progress monitoring data to make instructional decisions within a Response to Intervention (RtI) model. Steps involved in the RtI data-based decision making process will be outlined as well as procedures for establishing data-based decision making rules within a tiered intervention system.
Data-based decision making is central to a highly functional RtI process and occurs at every level of tiered instruction and intervention. Data based decision making involves the use of student performance data from universal screening and progress monitoring measures to: (1) identify students who may be at-risk for academic failure and, (2) to determine individual student response to supplemental intervention. This webinar strand will highlight data team meeting protocol and logistical considerations that support effective and efficient RtI data team meetings. It will also provide a discussion and examples involving the use of RtI data to determine at-risk status and a student’s response to supplemental intervention.
Data-based decision making is a critical component of an RtI process that occurs across all tiers or levels within an RtI model. Data-based decision making involves using RTI data to address essential questions at a district, school, grade, class and individual student level. Prioritizing essential questions at each level, identifying measures to address them and creating an infrastructure so that data is actionable are key components to an effective, sustainable RTI process. This webinar strand will address data-based decision making at a district, school, grade and individual level including special education decision-making.
This tool can be used to document the average benchmark score of specific student populations. Its purpose it to help schools determine if students are improving over time on general outcome measures that are considered key indicators of overall reading achievement. Click on "View .XLSX" to access the electronic tool.
A short video tutorial provides directions on how to complete the Benchmark Tracking Form.
This electronic tool answers the question: What is the average Rate of Improvement (ROI) for student groups between two benchmark periods? This tool allows schools to calculate ROI among different student subtypes, by grade level and literacy measure and compare their student’s growth to normative growth rates. Click on the "View .XLSX" to access the electronic tool.
A short video tutorial provides directions on how to complete Rate of Improvement Form.
This electronic tool answers the question: What percentage of students scored within the low-, some, and at-risk levels across benchmark periods? Its purpose is to help schools evaluate the impact of their RtI process by examining the percentage of different student populations students scoring at different risk levels by grade and early literacy measure from one benchmark period to the next. Click on the "View .XLSX" to access the electronic tool.
A short video tutorial provides directions on how to complete the Risk Level Status Form.
Using this electronic tools provides schools with the ability to determine: How many students moved to a less or more intensive tier between benchmark periods? The tool tracks the percentage of multiple student populations at each tier by grade level from one benchmarking period to the next. Click on the "View .XLSX" to access the electronic tool.
A short video tutorial provides directions on how to complete the Tiered Intervention Form.
This guidance document can be used as a protocol to structure Individual Problem Solving meetings.
This recording form is to be used in conjunction with the Individual Problem Solving Meeting Protocol.
This referral form can be used to refer students for an Individual Problem Solving meeting.
This guidance document can be used as a protocol to structure Post Benchmark meetings.
This recording form is to be used in conjunction with the Post Benchmark Meeting Protocol.
This guidance document can be used as a protocol to structure Progress Monitoring meetings.
This recording form is to be used in conjunction with the Progress Monitoring Meeting Protocol.