Intervention Tool Chart :: Reading

Looking for an intervention for your students?  The Intervention Tools Chart is designed to be used by educators as a resource to locate interventions, instructional practices, and learning strategies that can be used within an RtI process.  Please note:  the listing of specific tools is not meant as an endorsement by the NYS RtI MS DP or the NYSED.  Rather, it is up to the consumer to research selected tools for evidence of effectiveness.  The chart contains three types of tools that are either free or available for purchase:  commercial programs, instructional practices, and learning strategies.

Oral Reading Fluency

The National Center on INTENSIVE INTERVENTION has sample lessons and activities intended to assist special education teachers, interventionists, and others working with students with intensive reading needs.

The lessons/materials are not intended to be used as an intervention, but can provide support for developing and customizing lessons to meet student needs.

Oral Reading Fluency

The National Center on INTENSIVE INTERVENTION has sample lessons and activities intended to assist special education teachers, interventionists, and others working with students with intensive reading needs.

The lessons/materials are not intended to be used as an intervention, but can provide support for developing and customizing lessons to meet student needs.

Oral Reading Fluency

The National Center on INTENSIVE INTERVENTION has sample lessons and activities intended to assist special education teachers, interventionists, and others working with students with intensive reading needs.

The lessons/materials are not intended to be used as an intervention, but can provide support for developing and customizing lessons to meet student needs.

Neurological Impress Method

Instructional Practice
Oral Reading Fluency
Tier III

The Neurological Impress Method (NIM) is a form of paired reading in which a student and teacher (or other professional) read the same text almost simultaneously. Sitting side-by-side (elbow to elbow), the teacher reads a text slightly faster and louder than the student while both follow the text with their fingers. Reading along with a more fluent reader is thought of as "an impress, an etching in of word memories on the natural process" (Heckelman, 1969). In addition, positive reinforcement from the tutor may help build students' self-confidence and enjoyment of reading.


This is an instructional practice. An instruction practice is a teaching method that guides interactions in the classroom and supports student learning. Instructional practices involve an educator using particular method, practice, or protocol during instruction.

Paired Reading

Instructional Practice
Oral Reading Fluency
Tier II

In paired reading, students read aloud to each other with more fluent readers paired with those that are less fluent. Paired reading can be used with any book or text in a variety of content areas, and can be implemented in a variety of ways.


This is an instructional practice. An instruction practice is a teaching method that guides interactions in the classroom and supports student learning. Instructional practices involve an educator using particular method, practice, or protocol during instruction.

Comprehension, Oral Reading Fluency, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics & Decoding, Vocabulary
Tier I,II

Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) is a peer-tutoring program. According to the developer's website, it is designed to be incorporated into the existing curriculum with the goal of improving the academic performance of children with diverse academic needs. Students partner with peers, alternating the role of tutor while reading aloud, listening, and providing feedback in various structured activities.

Phrase Drill Procedure

Instructional Practice
Oral Reading Fluency
Tier III

Phrase Drill Procedure allows students to practice misread words in order to increase their reading fluency.


Commercial Program
Comprehension, Oral Reading Fluency, Phonics & Decoding, Vocabulary

RAVE-O instruction is built on the exploration of core words—the sounds, word parts, meanings, connections—and how they function in text. The main premise of the program is that the more students know about a word, the more quickly they can read and understand it.

Read Naturally

Commercial Program
Comprehension, Oral Reading Fluency, Vocabulary

Read Naturally® is designed to improve reading fluency using a combination of books, audiotapes, and computer software. The program has three main strategies: repeated reading of text for developing oral reading fluency, teacher modeling of story reading, and systematic monitoring of student progress by the students themselves and by teachers. Students work at a reading level appropriate for their achievement level and progress through the program independently.

Reading Racetracks

Instructional Practice
Oral Reading Fluency
Tier I,II

This practice aims to increase the fluency and acquisition of sight words for elementary students through a game-ified drill and practice. A teacher composes the Reading Racetracks (“target” and “review” versions) from a master sight-word list. In a game-like format, an individual student reads aloud from a “racetrack” wordlist for 1 minute, the teacher records their reading performance, and repeats the wordlist reading until reaching a pre-set benchmark.

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