Data-based decision making is central to a highly functional RtI process and occurs at every level of tiered instruction and intervention. Data based decision making involves the use of student performance data from universal screening and progress monitoring measures to (1) identify students who may be at-risk for academic failure and, (2) to determine individual student response to supplemental intervention. This webinar strand will highlight data team meeting protocol and logistical considerations that support effective and efficient RtI data team meetings. It will also provide a discussion and examples involving the use of RtI data to determine at-risk status and a student’s response to supplemental intervention.
Intended Audience: Data-based Decision Making in an RtI Process is intended for members of an RtI data team who are responsible for analyzing universal screening and progress monitoring data for the purposes of identifying students who may need supplemental intervention and for determining individual student response to additional instruction.
Data Team Meeting Protocol
Monday, December 1st, 2014
4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Click here for the recorded webinar
Click here to download the audio recording of the webinar. Keep in mind that the file is 18MB and may take a few minutes to download or play depending on your computer settings.
Click here for the PowerPoint presentation
Handout 1 (SIRF) Handout 2 (Data Team Script)
Data-Based Decision Making and Universal Screening Data
Monday, December 8th, 2014
4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Click here for the recorded webinar
Click here to download the audio recording of the webinar. Keep in mind that the file is 18MB and may take a few minutes to download or play depending on your computer settings.
Click here for the PowerPoint presentation or handout slides
Handout 1 (DIBELS Next ROI) Handout 2 (Forms for DBDM) Handout 3 (Goal Setting Worksheet) and Handout 4 (SIRF Generic)
Data-Based Decision Making and Progress Monitoring
Monday, December 15th, 2014
4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Click here for the recorded webinar
Click here for the audio recording of the webinar. Keep in mind that the file is 16MB and may take a few minutes to download or play depending on your computer settings.
Click here for the PowerPoint presentation or handout slides
Handout 1 (Gap Analysis Example)
Data-based Decision: Making It Work in Your School
Monday, January 12th, 2015
4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Click here for the recorded webinar
Click here for the audio recording of the webinar. Keep in mind that the file is 16MB and may take a few minutes to download or play depending on your computer settings.
Click here for the PowerPoint Handout
Handout 1 (SIRF) and Handout 2 (Forms for Data-Based Decision Making)
Click here for an event flyer