STRAND #11: Culturally Responsive Instruction & Assessment for English Langage Learners in an RtI Model

Dr. Sylvia Linan-Thompson | October 7, 4 pm-October 28, 2015 5:30 pm

The purpose of this webinar strand is to discuss the learning and assessment context for English Language Learners relative to a cultural and linguistic prevention model commonly known as Response to Intervention or RtI. The potential benefits of RtI for ELLs will be presented along with the social, linguistic, and cultural factors all educators need to consider when creating a culturally responsive RtI framework. The webinar will provide information regarding the characteristics of effective core instruction and supplemental interventions for students who are learning English as a second language as well as assessment considerations for this population of learners.

Intended Audience: Intended for general education teachers, interventionists, support staff, administrators, and special educators who provide core instruction or supplemental intervention within the context of a Response to Intervention Model to ELLs.

Culturally Responsive RtI
Wednesday, October 7th
4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Click here for the recorded webinar
Click here to download the audio recording of the webinar. Keep in mind that it is 17MB and may take a few minutes to download or play depending on your computer settings.
Click here for the PowerPoint presentation


Culturally Responsive Assessment for ELLs in an RtI Model
Wednesday, October 14th
4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Click here for the recorded webinar
Click here to download the audio recording of the webinar. Keep in mind that it is 17MB and may take a few minutes to download or play depending on your computer settings.
Click here for the PowerPoint presentation

Culturally Responsive Instruction Across the Tiers
Wednesday, October 28th
4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Click here for the recorded webinar
Click here to download the audio recording of the webinar. Keep in mind that it is 17MB and may take a few minutes to download or play depending on your computer settings.
Click here for the PowerPoint presentation 

Click here for an event flyer

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