

Response to Intervention: A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (LAKE PLACID)

Capital/North Region
Dr. George Batsche | June 6, 2017, 8:30 am-3 pm

Registration begins at 8:30/Program begins at 9:00

Program Description:   Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is school-wide, data-driven prevention model designed to maximize the impact of academic and behavioral instruction and intervention on student outcomes.   This all-day PD session will address the following topics:

  • Using Key Components of a MTSS Framework
  • Implementing the Common Core Learning Standards within MTSS
  • Integrating the Data-Based Problem-Solving Process (RtI) into a MTSS
  • Aligning Instruction/Interventions with the CCLS and Integrating Instructional Practices Across the Tiers
  • Ensuring the Integration of Academic Skills, Academic Behavior Expectations and Scaffolding to Maximize Student Engagement within the Instructional Process
  • Meeting  the Needs of Students with Disabilities and Students with 504 Accommodations Through Specially Designed Instruction within an MTSS Framework                    

Who Should Attend:
This full day workshop is targeted and designed specifically for school-based RtI/MTSS Core/Design and/or problem-solving teams.  It is highly advisable that participants attend this session as a team. Teams may include the following school personnel:

General and special education teachers
RtI/MTSS core team members
Intervention specialists 
School support staff
School psychologists
Principals and central office administrators 

WORKSHOP IS FREE OF CHARGE. Lunch is on your own.
Arrangements have been made to allow participants to preorder and prepay for lunch through the hotel restaurant.

About the Presenter:
Dr. George Batsche is Professor and Co-Director of the Institute for School Reform at the University of South Florida. He is Co-Director of the Florida Statewide Problem-Solving/RtI Project for the Florida Department of Education (DOE). In addition, Dr. Batsche co-directs the Student Support Services, Shared Services Network and Coordinated Student Health Projects for the Florida Department of Education. In the past 15 years, Dr. Batsche has received grants from the U.S. DOE, Florida DOE and private foundations. His work has focused on systems of implementing academic and behavior interventions for at-risk students. Dr. Batsche is co-author of the book, Response to Intervention: Policy Considerations and Implementation (2005), “Response to Intervention: Competing Views” in the journal, Assessment for Effective Intervention (2006), and “Statewide Implementation of Problem-Solving/Response to Intervention: The Florida Initiative” in the book, The Handbook of Response to Intervention: The Science and Practice of Assessment and Intervention (2007).  

CANCELLATION POLICY Please be considerate and cancel your registration if you are unable to attend. We anticipate that the demand for this event will exceed capacity. Failure to cancel registration may compromise registration for future NYS RtI TAC-sponsored events.

click here for an event flyer

High Peaks Resort
2384 Saranac Avenue
Lake Placid, New York 12946


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