Liberty Middle/High is a public school in the Liberty Central School District Central located in Liberty, New York, south of the Catskills and about 25 miles east of Pennsylvania. With its location in a rural area of Sullivan County and small population, the middle and high school are housed in one building. Despite this, only the middle school (grades 5-8) participated in the demonstration project.
School Demographics (2015-2016)
Liberty served 428 students in grades 5-8 at Liberty during the 2015-2016 school year. The student body is predominately white (51%), Hispanic or Latino (36%), and Black or African American (9%). In the middle school, 18% of the population is considered economically disadvantaged. There is a small number of the school’s population that receive special education services (6%) or are considered English Language Learners (3%). The average class size at Liberty Middle is 22 students. Other demographic information is available on the NYS Report Card
School Demographics (2016-2017)
Liberty served 456 students in grades 5-8 at Liberty during the 2016-2017 school year. The student body is predominately white (47%), Hispanic or Latino (40%), and Black or African American (8%). In the middle school, 18% of the population is considered economically disadvantaged. There is a small number of the school’s population that receive special education services (3%) or are considered English Language Learners (2%). The average class size at Liberty Middle is 22 students. Other demographic information is available on the NYS Report Card
School Demographics (2017-2018)
Liberty served 501 students in grades 5-8 at Liberty during the 2017-2018 school year. The student body is predominately white (46%), Hispanic or Latino (41%), and Black or African American (7%). In the middle school, 20% of the population is considered economically disadvantaged, 4% are homeless, 3% are from migrant families and 1% are in foster care. There is a small number of the school’s population that receive special education services (4%) or are considered English Language Learners (8%). The average class size at Liberty Middle is 22 students. Other demographic information is available on the NYS Report Card
School Demographics (2018-2019)
Liberty served 556 students in grades 5-8 at Liberty during the 2018-2019 school year. The student body is predominately white (47%) or Hispanic or Latino (41%), with a slightly smaller population of students who are Black or African American (8%). In the middle school, 71% of the population is considered economically disadvantaged, 1% are homeless, and 3% are from migrant families. There is a number of the school’s population that receive special education services (10%) or are considered English Language Learners (6%). The average class size at Liberty Middle is 22 students. Other demographic information is available on the NYS Report Card
2019-202 RTI Leadership Team
RTI/MTSS Mission/Purpose Statement
The purpose of Liberty Middle School’s RtI process is to systematically improve and support all students’ academic, social, and emotional skills by promoting a culture of data-based discussions and decisions among all stakeholders, and an environment that promotes agency; resulting in a decrease in disciplinary and CSE referrals.
RTI/MTSS Abbreviated Self-Assessment Survey Results
Annual Action Plan
Liberty Middle/High School
145 Buckley Street
Liberty, New York 12754