Past Webinars

Dr. Virginia Buysse & Dr. Ellen Peisner-Feinberg, Senior Scientist at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | March 17, 3:30 pm-May 5, 2014 4:45 pm

Recognition & Response (R & R) is a tiered model for Prek with a dual focus on improving the quality of instructional practices for all children as well as providing additional supports for some children to ensure that every child succeeds in school. The R & R system was developed and validated by researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with funding from the U.S. Department of Education and a private foundation. This webinar strand will focus on foundational issues and practical knowledge related to understanding and implementing R & R in a variety of early childhood settings. Webinars are organized around the Recognition component (formative assessment) and the Response component (foundational instruction and tiered interventions), including information about the collaborative problem-solving process and other supports for implementation.

Intended Audience: Recognition and Response: RtI Goes to PreK is intended for teachers, administrators, and support staff who provide instruction and support to children at the PreK level.

Dr. Katherine Dougherty Stahl, New York University, Clinical Associate Professor of Literacy | February 10, 4 pm-March 10, 2014 5:15 pm

Across New York State, schools are working to implement the ELA Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS). At the same time, schools are required to have established a prevention model commonly known as Response to Intervention (RtI) to meet the literacy needs of students in K – 4 who struggle to meet grade level expectations. This webinar strand is designed to help school personnel understand how their RtI framework can support the teaching and learning of CCLS in literacy. The webinar series will present practical approaches for creating a seamless integration of RtI and CCLS. Attention will be devoted to helping classroom teachers and reading specialists work collaboratively to meet the needs of children who require something extra in order to achieve the expectations established by the CCLS for ELA.

Intended Audience: Using Your RtI Model to Differentiate and Support the ELA CCLS is intended for school personnel who are directly responsible for implementing and/or supporting core instruction and supplementary intervention within an RtI model.

Dr. John Hintze, University of Massachusetts; Dr. Katherine Dougherty Stahl, New York University | December 2, 2013, 4 pm-January 13, 2014 5:15 pm

Understanding the role of assessment is key to an efficient and effective RtI model. This four-session strand is designed to facilitate a deeper understanding regarding the purposes and roles of assessment within a RtI framework. Specific attention will address: universal screening and progress monitoring, as well as diagnostic assessment. Key to understanding assessment within a RtI framework is an understanding of the purposes of assessment and how a school’s existing assessment measures can be used to gain understanding of student performance for comparative, progress, and instructional purposes.

Intended Audience: The Role of Assessment Within a RtI Framework is intended for school personnel who are involved with logistical and administrational arrangements involving universal screening and/or progress monitoring as well as individuals responsible for developing and implementing tiered and supplementary instruction.

Dr. Daryl Mellard, University of Kansas; Dr. Theresa Janczak, NYS RtI TAC | November 4, 4 pm-November 18, 2013 5:15 pm

This strand features three (3), one and a half hour webinars designed to provide participants with an introduction or overview of the critical features embedded within a RtI framework. Emphasis will focus on infrastructure issues which need to be addressed within a RtI prevention model. Discussion regarding how RtI fits within existing school reform initiatives, such as Common Core, will be presented. Case study examples from NY state’s RtI pilot schools will be used to illustrate and exemplify critical concepts. Tools to assess schools and districts with RtI implementation will be discussed and provided.

Intended Audience: The Basics of RtI is intended for school personnel who have some knowledge of RtI and wish to extend their understanding of RtI as a prevention model or for those interested in a refresher regarding basic RtI components. This workshop is also applicable to school personnel who are interested in examining their existing RtI model against critical components that will be highlighted in this webinar series.

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