STRAND #14: Using an Assessment Audit to Create a Lean and Efficient RTI Assessment System for Grades 3-6

Dr. Katherine Dougherty Stahl, New York University, Clinical Associate Professor of Literacy | March 2, 4 pm-May 4, 2016 5:15 pm

Response to Intervention and the ELA Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) have prompted changes in the approach that schools must take in implementing effective literacy instruction. When conducting an assessment audit, teachers, schools, and districts inventory what tests every teacher is currently using. The audit also investigates the effectiveness of the data management system; evaluates the reliability, validity, and usefulness of each assessment, including alignment with CCLS; evaluates the fidelity of test administration and score interpretation; determines the type of professional development training needed to increase the reliability of the tests; eliminates redundant assessments and determines where new assessments are needed to fill voids. This webinar series will walk participants through the audit process, either as an individual, school team member, or district representative. The outcome is a lean and efficient cohesive literacy assessment system that serves as the key component in an effective RTI framework.

Session 1 | Grades 3-6: General Introduction to the Assessment Audit Process: Forms and Foundations
Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016
Click here for the recorded webinar
Click here to download the audio from the webinar. Keep in mind that it is 15MB and may take a few minutes to download or play depending on your computer settings.
Click here for the PowerPoint presentation
NYS RtI TAC Assessment Audit

Session 2 | Grades 3-6: Conducting the Audit: Who Does What and Why?
Wednesday, March 30th, 2016
Click here for the recorded webinar
Click here to download the audio from the webinar. Keep in mind that it is 16MB and may take a few minutes to download or play depending on your computer settings.
Click here for the PowerPoint presentation

Session 3 | Our Grades 3-6 Assessment Garden: Pruning, Weeding, Planting, Nurturing
This session will now cover grades K-6 as we are merging two sessions to accommodate a scheduling conflict.
Wednesday, May 4th, 2016
Click here for the recorded webinar
Click here to download the audio from the webinar. Keep in mind that it is 15MB and may take a few minutes to download or play depending on your computer settings.
Click here for the PowerPoint presentation or handout
Sample Assessment Audit Forms

Click here for an event flyer

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