Effective RtI for English Language Learners

Sylvia Linan-Thompson, Ph.D, University of Texas at Austin | October 18, 8:30 am-October 19, 2012 3 pm

Ensuring a comprehensive and coherent instructional program is essential for student success. RtI provides a framework for ensuring that students receive the level and type of instruction they need for academic success. However, to ensure that English language learners will benefit from instruction in an RtI framework assessment and instruction practices must respond to both their academic and language needs. This session will present effective instruction strategies for ELLs in Tiers 1, 2 and 3 and factors to consider when interpreting assessments. Lecture, case studies, and interactive activities will be used.


• Participants will learn effective instructional and assessment practices.

• Participants will learn how the RtI and ESL are linked.

• Participants will explain the importance of language knowledge in ESL / Special Ed. Instruction.

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