

Scaling Up RtI to Middle School: Issues and Challenges and Exemplary Models

Dr. Daryl Mellard, University of Kansas & Dr. Theresa M. Janczak, NYS RtI TAC | October 12, 2011, 8 am-3:30 pm

This professional development opportunity will begin with a brief overview of RtI and the legislative components which take effect July of 2012. The results of a qualitative study that examined RtI implementation practices of middles schools from 28 states will also presented. A discussion involving the essential features of RtI at the middle school level will elaborate on the following topics:

  • Data-based decision making
  • Multi-level instruction
  • Secondary and tertiary intervention practices
  • Scheduling challenges

The workshop concludes with examples of RtI models at several middle schools who were involved in the study. Opportunities for Question and Answers will be provided.

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