

Response to Intervention: Perspectives from the Field

Karen Kemp, author of RtI: The Classroom Connection for Literacy; Tom Komp, 2008 NYS Elementary Principal of the Year | September 26, 2009, 8:30 am-3 pm

Across the country, schools are actively involved in the implementation of Response to Intervention, an early intervening process designed to identify students who may be at-risk for academic failure. The Council of Exceptional Children-Chapter 402 in collaboration with the Niagara Frontier Reading Council is pleased to host an RtI panel discussion by school-based practitioners who have extensive and practical RtI experience. The morning will begin with an overview of RtI models and processes from two New York State public schools who have been implementing RtI for several years. Panel presenters will describe their school’s RtI model, the role of school staff within the RtI process and identify critical factors to consider to ensure successful implementation. The panel discussion will conclude with an opportunity for attendees to ask questions relative to RtI to help further their own understanding of this early prevention process.

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