East Moriches Middle, a suburban public school, serves students in grades 5-8 in the East Moriches Union Free School District. The middle school is located in the hamlet of East Moriches, a suburban area of Suffolk County in the town of Brookhaven, New York on Long Island.
School Demographics (2015-2016)
During the 2015-2016 school year, 360 students were enrolled at East Moriches. The student body is predominately White (84%). In East Moriches Middle School, 12% of the student population are considered economically disadvantaged and 13% receive special education services. A small number of the student population are considered English Language Learners (2%). The average class size at East Moriches Middle is 23 students. Other demographic information is available on the NYS Report Card
School Demographics (2016-2017)
During the 2016-2017 school year, 352 students were enrolled at East Moriches. The student body is predominately White (86%). In East Moriches Middle School, 11% of the student population are considered economically disadvantaged and 14% receive special education services. A small number of the student population are considered English Language Learners (1%). The average class size at East Moriches Middle is 23 students. Other demographic information is available on the NYS Report Card
School Demographics (2017-2018)
During the 2017-2018 school year, 352 students were enrolled at East Moriches. The student body is predominately White (84%). In East Moriches Middle School, 13% of the student population are considered economically disadvantaged and 14% receive special education services. A small number of the student population are considered English Language Learners (2%). The average class size at East Moriches Middle is 23 students. Other demographic information is available on the NYS Report Card
School Demographics (2018-2019)
During the 2018-2019 school year, 341 students were enrolled at East Moriches. The student body is predominately White (84%), with a small percentage of students who are Hispanic or Latino (11%), Black or African American (2%), Multiracial (2%), or Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander (1%). In East Moriches Middle School, 16% of the student population are considered economically disadvantaged and 12% receive special education services. A small number of the student population are considered English Language Learners (3%). The average class size at East Moriches Middle is 23 students. Other demographic information is available on the NYS Report Card
2019-2020 RTI Leadership Team
RTI/MTSS Purpose Statement
The purpose of the RtI process at our middle school is to be able to create a shared understanding among teachers, students, and parents in order to create measurable goals, to assist students in reaching their unique academic potential.
We will know we have succeeded when the Middle School RTI Program creates a multi-tiered support system that fosters student desire and motivation in achieving their individual goals (literacy, mathematics, and social/emotional), with 100% success, shown through data collection using researched-based interventions, regular benchmarking, and consistent (shared) progress monitoring.
Specific Student Achievement Goals:
Specific Student Motivation, Behavior and Engagement Goals:
Specific Programmatic Goals:
RTI/MTSS Abbreviated Self-Assessment Survey Results
Annual Action Plan
East Moriches Middle School
9 Adelaide Avenue
East Moriches, New York 11940-1370