30 mins (3-5x per week for 36 weeks)
Struggling readers (students reading at or below an eighth-grade level).
Read Naturally® is designed to improve reading fluency using a combination of books, audiotapes, and computer software. The program has three main strategies: repeated reading of text for developing oral reading fluency, teacher modeling of story reading, and systematic monitoring of student progress by the students themselves and by teachers. Students work at a reading level appropriate for their achievement level and progress through the program independently.
Read Naturally® includes teacher modeling, repeated reading, and progress monitoring, computer software with audio support. Necessary materials include: teacher’s manual, timer, CD player, headphones, and computer for software edition.
Chenault, B., Thomson, J., Abbott, R. D., & Berninger, V. W. (2006). Effects of prior attention training on child dyslexics’ response to composition instruction. Developmental Neuropsychology, 29(1), 243–260.
Conderman, G., & Strobel, D. (2006). Problem solving with guided repeated oral reading instruction. Intervention in School & Clinic, 42(1), 34–39.
Gibson, J. l., Cartledge, G., Keyes, S. E., & Yawn, C. D. (2014). The effects of a supplementary computerized fluency intervention on the generalization of the oral reading fluency and comprehension of first-grade students. Education & Treatment Of Children, 37(1), 25-51.
Reed, J. M., Marchand-Martella, N., Martella, R. C., & Kolts, R.L. (2007). Assessing the effects of the Reading Success Level A program with fourth-grade students at a Title I elementary school. Education & Treatment of Children, 30(1), 45–68.
Treptow, M. A., Burns, M. K., & McComas, J. J. (2007). Reading at the frustration, instructional, and independent levels: The effects on students’ reading comprehension and time on task. School Psychology Review, 36(1), 159–166.
4-8 hours of training is required for the instructor. The program recommends all teachers should have training to understand the Read Naturally strategy, how to place students appropriately, how to implement the program effectively, and how to monitor student performance.
Instruction training options include: full day seminars; self-study course; school district training; virtual seminars; video workshop for teachers; and video workshop for assistants, Read Live Hands-on Training Workbook.