15 mins daily
Students who struggle with reading fluency. This program is not designed for students with comprehension difficulties.
Fluency Formula is a supplemental curriculum designed to promote reading fluency for first through sixth grade students. The program emphasizes automatic recognition of words, decoding accuracy, and oral expressiveness as the foundation for building reading fluency.
Students participate in whole-class, small-group, and individual practice activities using workbooks, read-aloud anthologies, library books, fluency activity cards, and audio CDs.
During class lessons, teachers model fluent reading and ask students to practice through repeated readings, reading with partners, and together in whole-class (choral) reading. Students practice fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension individually, using a program workbook, and read library books while listening to an audio CD version of the book. Instructional practices also include review of sight word fluency and drills for reading speed and accuracy. Students can track their fluency progress on a class chart and receive bookmarks and certificates as rewards for progress. Students are encouraged to take the library books and workbooks home, and to read for at least 20 to 30 minutes daily at home or at school.
Sivin-Kachala, J., & Bialo, E. (2005). Fluency Formula second-grade study, Long Island, New York, 2003–2004. Final report: Evaluation research on the effectiveness of Fluency Formula. New York: Interactive Educational Systems Design, Inc.