Cover, Copy, & Compare (CCC) Spelling, Vocabulary, & Word ID

Learning Strategy
Tier I

Index cards (optional)

CCC Spelling: Spelling worksheets with 10-15 spelling words (5-10 for grades 1-3) listed on the left side of the sheet and blank lines on the right for writing each two or three times. There should be enough space for corrections and one to three sheets per students.

CCC Vocabulary: Vocabulary worksheets with 10-15 vocabulary words listed on the left side of the sheet and blank lines on the right for writing each word and corresponding definition. There should be enough space for corrections and one to three sheets per students.

CCC Word Identification: Word list worksheets divided into three vertical sections, with a list of 10-15 words (5-10 for grades 1-3) in the left-hand section of the sheet, the words written again in dashed lines in the middle section, and blank lines for writing each word in the right-hand section.

Target Student

All students can benefit from this self-managed intervention.


Cover, Copy, and Compare (CCC) is a self-managed intervention that can be used to enhance accuracy in spelling, vocabulary, word identification, or other academic subject areas. In CCC, students look at an academic stimulus (e.g., spelling word). They then cover it, copy it, and evaluate their response by comparing it to the original word. If there is an error, the students engage in error correction procedures before moving onto the next item.


Cover, Copy, Compare (CCC) is a learning strategy. Use explicit instruction (explanation, modeling, guided practice, independent practice) to teach CCC to students.

Using Explicit Instruction to Teach a Strategy
1. Explain the strategy. Using posters for each strategy, tell students what steps they will be expected to follow and explain why students should learn them

2. Model the strategy. Next, use modeling- Use a think aloud strategy, and voice aloud the thought process behind each stage. This may need to occur over the course of several days based on the needs of the students.

3. Guided practice: Guide students in performing the strategy in small groups or in pairs. During this time, scaffold the learning and support students who need assistance in using the strategy. They can also model the think aloud strategy (when in pairs) to strengthen comprehension and learning of the steps involved.

4. Independent practice: After guided practice, students should only use the strategy independently, once they have shown they have mastered the strategy. Students can also be given the opportunity to reflect on the strategy.

How To

CCC Spelling
Silently read the first word on the list of the left side of the paper.

Cover the word* with an index card (or hand) and write it again from memory on the blank line on the right side of the paper.

Uncover the word and compare it to your spelling of the word.

Evaluate your response. If the spelling is incorrect, repeat the procedure with the word before proceeding to the next word.

CCC Vocabulary
Silently read the first word on the list and its definition on the left side of the paper.

Cover the word* with an index card (or hand) and write both the word and its definition on the blank line on the right side of the paper.

Uncover the word on the left and compare your definition with the model.

Evaluate your response. If the definition is inaccurate or incomplete, repeat the procedure with that word before proceeding to the next word.

CCC Word Identification
Silently read the first word on the list on the left side of the paper.

Cover the word* with an index card (or hand) and trace the dashed lines for that word in the second section of the papers while quietly saying the letter names aloud.

Write the word again on the blank line in the third section of paper while quietly saying the letter names aloud.

Pronounce the word quietly.

Repeat the procedure for the next word on the paper.

*Note – you can also fold the paper to cover the word, rather than using an index card or your hand. Some children may find using index cards cumbersome.

Implementation Considerations
Implement the CCC procedure several times a week. CCC can become tedious if it is implemented too often (or too long), so it is best used as one of several independent seat work activities or as a review at the end of the lesson.

Set a fixed amount of time for CCC sessions if implementing with a whole group or class (5 to 15 minutes).

When students reach mastery (at least 90% accuracy) on a set of items, they should be provided with a new set. Two or three words from prior lists should be included in new sets to promote retention.

Implementation Considerations
Implement the CCC procedure several times a week. CCC can become tedious if it is implemented too often (or too long), so it is best used as one of several independent seat work activities or as a review at the end of the lesson.

Set a fixed amount of time for CCC sessions if implementing with a whole group or class (5 to 15 minutes).

When students reach mastery (at least 90% accuracy) on a set of items, they should be provided with a new set. Two or three words from prior lists should be included in new sets to promote retention.

Compare percent-correct scores on daily class work, quizzes, or tests in the selected subject for the entire class or the target group of students before and after implementation.

Compare scores on Curriculum-Based Measurement Probes before and after implementation.


Conley, C. M., Derby, K. M., Roberts-Gwinn, M., Weber, K. P., & McLaughlin, T. F. (2004). An analysis of initial acquisition and maintenance of sight words following picture matching and copy, cover, compare teaching methods. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 37, 339-350.

Skinner, C. H., McLaughlin, T. F., & Logan, P. (1997). Cover, Copy, and Compare: A self-managed academic intervention effective across skills, students, and settings. Journal of Behavioral Education, 7, 295-306.

Related Resources

CCC Spelling Worksheet Template

YouTube Video Demonstration (video 1, video 2)

Related Websites

Intervention Central

Adapted from Haager, D., Dimino, J. A., & Windmueller, M. P. (2007). Interventions for reading success. London: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company

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