Looking for an intervention for your students? The Intervention Tools Chart is designed to be used by educators as a resource to locate interventions, instructional practices, and learning strategies that can be used within an RtI process. Please note: the listing of specific tools is not meant as an endorsement by the NYS RtI MS DP or the NYSED. Rather, it is up to the consumer to research selected tools for evidence of effectiveness. The chart contains three types of tools that are either free or available for purchase: commercial programs, instructional practices, and learning strategies.
Repeated reading is a strategic approach designed to increase reading fluency and comprehension. During repeated reading, students read and re-read a selected short passage until they reach a satisfactory level of fluency.
In retelling, students will retell the events in a passage they have either read or heard.
REWARDS Intermediate is a strategic, short term intervention program. It is an explicit and systematic program following the “I do,” you do,” “we do” model.
REWARDS Plus is a strategic, short term intervention program. It is an explicit and systematic program following the “I do,” you do,” “we do” model.
REWARDS Secondary is a strategic, short term intervention program. It is an explicit and systematic program following the “I do,” you do,” “we do” model.
Road to the Code is an 11-week developmentally-sequenced program designed for teaching phonemic awareness and letter/sound correspondence.
Root wheels are a visual representation that increases students understanding and knowledge of roots, prefixes, and suffixes. While 90% of the words that students encounter across various content areas are based on Greek and Latin prefixes, roots and suffixes, root wheels provide students a visual to enhance their understandings of vocabulary through deeper exploration. This strategy can also facilitate drawing and second language exploration.
S.P.I.R.E is an intensive reading program for non-readers and struggling readers. This multisensory program is based on the Orton-Gillingham approach.
In semantic mapping, students generate words related to a concept (or key word) that has been introduced in a lesson. Semantic maps provide a visual depiction of the relationships among key words.
The National Center on INTENSIVE INTERVENTION has sample lessons and activities intended to assist special education teachers, interventionists, and others working with students with intensive reading needs.
The lessons/materials are not intended to be used as an intervention, but can provide support for developing and customizing lessons to meet student needs.