Pathblazer Math

Computer Assisted Program
Number Sense, Operations, Decimals, Fractions, Place Value, Measurement & Data, Problem Solving, Statistics
Target Student

Students performing below grade level


Pathblazer is web-based math and ELA curriculum designed around animated video lessons for students in K - 8 who are working below grade level. The program sets students on individual learning paths through both built-in and external diagnostics.


In Pathfinder Math, students take a diagnostic to determine their specific skill and concept gaps. Information from STAR, MAP and Scantron Performance Series assessments can be incorporated in the diagnostic assessment.

After taking the diagnostic, students are  assigned a personalized learning path aligning with their highest level of performance. Students then engage in scaffolded lessons designed around videos, animation and audio. The program adapts to questions students get incorrect, the program presents review  of the misunderstood concepts through a different medium than they were originally presented.

In Pathfinder Math, teachers can receive real-time data on student progress and comprehension that they can use to inform instructional decisions.


Adapted from & Pathfinder Math


DiLeo, J. (2007). A study of a speci c language arts and mathematics software program: Is there a correlation between usage levels and achievement? (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana.

 Wijekumar, K., Hitchcock, J., Turner, H., Lei, P., & Peck, K. (2009). A multisite cluster randomized trial of the effects of Compass Learning Odyssey® Math on the math achievement of selected grade 4 students in the mid-Atlantic region. Final report (NCEE 2009-4068). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from

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