Accelerated Mathâ„¢

Commercial Program
Number Sense, Counting & Cardinality, Operations, Decimals, Fractions, Place Value, Measurement & Data, Algebra, Geometry, Problem Solving, Statistics

Accelerated Math® is a software tool that provides practice problems for students in grades K–12.  Accelerated Math® creates individualized student assignments, scores the assignments, and generates reports on student progress. This is a supplementary program to be used in conjunction with the math curriculum used in the classroom.  The software is designed to add practice for students and help teachers differentiate instruction through the program’s progress-monitoring data.


Accelerated Math™ can be used with existing textbooks and instructional methods for students in grades 1–12.  This supplemental program is designed to add practice assignments and progress monitoring to an existing curriculum.

Students are placed into grade-level libraries in Accelerated Math™ based on either teacher discretion or their performance on a norm-referenced, standardized measure of general math achievement.

After instruction on a math objective, teachers can use the software to create individualized practice assignments for students. Students then record their answers through handheld responders or on forms that are scanned into the computer.

After scoring the assignment, the software generates a report showing student progress in mastering the objective, as well as information about items answered correctly and incorrectly. Teachers also receive student- and classroom-level reports. After reviewing students’ progress, teachers can adjust instruction for the entire class, for small groups of students struggling with similar objectives, or for individual students as needed. Accelerated Math™ generates future assignments based on a student’s performance on previous assignments. 


Ysseldyke, J., & Bolt, D. M. (2007). Effect of technology-enhanced continuous progress monitoring on math achievement. School Psychology Review, 36(3), 453–467.

Research Summary

What Works Clearinghouse

Information on this entry was adapted from US Department of Education. (2010). Accelerated Math. WWC Intervention Report. Retrieved from

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