Middle School RTI Demonstration Project

Posted 8 years ago

The New York State Education Department (NYSED) Office of Instructional Support is pleased to announce technical assistance resources to assist middle schools across the State to implement high-quality frameworks of RtI. The NYSED is seeking “Applications of Interest” from public middle schools that are interested in participating in a three year RtI Middle School Demonstration Project.

The purpose of the Middle School RtI Demonstration Project is to provide school specific support to New York State (NYS) public middle schools (Grades 5-8) that are interested in developing or refining a data-driven prevention/intervention framework aimed at improving instruction for all students.

For more information, click here to download the field memo

Click here to access the Q&A document

free informational webinar about the demonstration project was held on January 11, 2017 from 4:00-4:45 pm.  This webinar detailed the logistics of the project, eligibility and selection criteria process, project expectations, and responsibilities. It is archived on this website for middle schools that are unable to participate in the live webinar.

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