SRSD Professional Development

Posted 5 years ago

Based on several decades of research by Drs. Karen Harris and Steven Graham, SRSD is an evidence-based framework or set of instructional routines/steps designed to explicitly teach writing strategies to students of all abilities. The instructional steps of SRSD are used to teach students how to take advantage of powerful writing strategies for planning, drafting, revising, and editing.   Additionally, students learn self-regulation strategies (e.g., goal setting, self-monitoring, self-instruction, and self-reinforcement) that help them apply each writing strategy and regulate the writing process.
With support from the New York State Education Department – Office of Special Education, the NYS RtI MS DP is excited to offer all interested middle school teachers a 6-month long professional development opportunity designed to improve their pedagogical skills related to writing. SRSD PD participants have the opportunity to earn Continuing Teacher and Leader Education credit through the State University College at Buffalo for active participation and completion of this event.

Eligible Applicants:
Two (2) middle school teachers (one general educator and one special educator/interventionist) from the same New York State public or charter,  middle or junior high schools (Grades 5-8), at any level of academic need or demographic distribution, and at any level of RtI implementation are eligible to participate in the project. Note: teachers must attend as a team from the same school.  Applications require the support of building and central office administrator
Professional Development Logistics:
-Attendance and active participation at on-site training sessions in Albany, NY (August 1st and 2nd, 2019 – Albany Marriott). Note: lodging will be provided; but costs associated with transportation, food, are not covered and will need to be assumed by participating teachers or their respective school district.

-Completion of an online SRSD training program (12 modules) offered by ThinkSRSD!  by September 15th, 2019.

-Attendance and active participation in four monthly, one-hour, after-school SRSD webinars beginning in September of 2019
Other Requirements:

  • Signature of middle school principal required on the application
  • Signature of the district superintendent or assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction required on the application
  • Pre- and post-writing samples of students
  • Peer observation of colleague teaching an SRSD session
  • Submission of lesson artifact from an SRSD session

Project Period: August 2019 - December 2019
Cost:  ALL professional development related activities (e.g., online training program, monthly webinars, and on-site training sessions in Albany) will be assumed by the NYS RtI MS DP and are provided free of charge to participating teachers.  Teachers and/or their school district will be responsible for costs associated with on-site PD sessions in Albany (e.g. transportation, food,).
Application Deadline:   July 15th, 2019.  Upon review of the application, eligible participants will be sent a link that will allow them to register for the SRSD PD Project.
Completed Applications Must be sent to

Applications can be downloaded here

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